All posts by mike.hochanadel

Who I'd like to meet: Ray Kurzweil, Jimi Hendrix, The Chemical Brothers, Jesus, Buddha, Alexander the Great, Orson Wells, Jack Black, Foxy Brown, and Laetitia Casta Interests: Computers, movies, music (listening, playing, collecting), football, games, puzzles, math, philosophy, poetry, reading, comedy, science fiction, billiards, video, podcasts Music: Radiohead, Black Crowes, Air, The Chemical Brothers, Daft Punk, Pink Floyd, Neil Young, Jimi Hendrix, Everything except new country, hip pop, ska/new punk, and 80's music. Movies: Cult movies, Star Wars, Science Fiction, Comedy, Independent, Foreign TV: Mystery Science Theater 3000, Red Dwarf, Dr. Who, Seinfeld, Conan O'Brien, Married: with Children, The Simpsons, South Park, The Chappelle Show, SCTV, The Kids in the Hall, Saturday Night Live (10 years ago) Books: Atlas Shrugged, The Foundtainhead, Cuckoo's Egg, All Michael Chricton books, Frankenstein, American Indian Myths and Legends, Star Wars books, Indiana Jones books, The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy From Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography, Artificial Intelliegence: A Modern Aproach Heroes: Neil Young, Thome Yorke, Ray Kurzweil, Edgar Allen Poe, Akira Kurasawa, Indiana Jones, The Chemical Brothers Sports: Billiards, Football, Kansas City Chiefs, Kansas City Royals, Professional Wrestling, Kansas State University Athletics About Me: What can I say? I'm usually there to give a helping hand and a laugh. A smart guy who is on his way to realizing his potential. I can be opinionated at times, though. But hey, if everybody thought the same thing, it would be real boring! Video Games: Myst, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Monty Python's Holy Grail, Hexagon, Quake III, NCAA Football, Wrestlemania 2000, Metroid Series, Mega Man Series, Super Dodge Ball

The Monkey Tail is @ the Paradigm Shift

Commercial At

While I was going through the twitter round up, I couldn’t help but notice that the semantics used to address other tweeps include the @ symbol.  That got me thinking about how the @ symbol shows up not only on some web services, but also email, blog comments, and even in the Getting Things Done methodology.  I also recalled someone saying that the German name translated to “monkey tail” instead of the widely used “commercial at.”  After some research, I discovered where the ubiquitous nature of the @ symbol symbol fits and where it potentially could grow.

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Twittering Around


It’s been quiet the last month or so but I have been active online in another format: Twitter.  So here’s a couple of resources I’ve been using and my thoughts on them.  I grouped the sites by different actions or contexts.  The river is wide in tweet-dom so I need some tool that can help me follow like minded twitters.  Because there’s so many, I also would like to see where I rank among the them.  A couple of utilities would be nice to help manage my Twitter account.  Finally, there’s a growing set of applications for Twitter so I need a place to look up any new apps that might fit in whatever mode I am twittering around.

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The Pre-Cognition of a New Cell Phone Search

CES happened last week and one of the big announcements was Palm’s return from the ashes in the Pre. The announcement of their new smartphone pulled together new developments at Palm, including a linux based OS and advances in user interface design. I naturally drooled at the pics. After glossing over in gadget heaven, I remembered that my cell phone contract is up later this month. It’s high time I shop around and see what’s out there in terms of cell phones and plans. Here’s a quick list of what I’m looking for (and really what people should think about when getting a new phone):

  • Does the storage expand?  Can I slide in a card to expand whatever available amount of storage is on the phone?  Most phones come with a decent amount of storage but chances are I want to swap out stuff when the time comes.
  • Is there a touch screen interface?  This is the next step in user interfaces and it seems to be making its headway through cell phone use.  Is there a touch screen on the phone and how crisp or responsive is the interface when I make gestures?
  • How locked down is the phone?  The current Motorola I have needs a special USB connection to charge, use as headphones, and access the computer. BUT, you must go through my carrier’s software to access it.  A phone with a little more open access to its components is high on my list.
  • Will I be able to play music on it?  This goes together with the locked down phone and storage questions.  Some phones/carriers allow you to just plug your device into a computer and drop music files on it to play.  This is a must have.
  • What kind of applications are available for the phone?  Either Windows Mobile, The iTunes App Store, or Palm’s new App Catalog to add software that is non existent on current devices would benefit me greatly.
  • Following up on the previous point, what kind of services can I connect to from the phone?  My current carrier jacks around with SMS text messaging and therefore inhibits usage on some Web 2.0 services I use frequently.  BrightKite is a good example of an online web service that is cut off or not as usefuly because the carrier getting in the way.
  • Is GPS on the phone?  It’s not big, but working with BrightKite and Google Maps would make this feature seem ideal.
  • What will the data plan cost and what can I do with it?  My monthly bill is pretty high for what I can do.  If I can get more data and or text messaging for my buck, I’d go with that company.  I’m looking at you Sprint Unlimited Plan.

Some of the other topics in smartphone usage aren’t that big to me.  Bluetooth and headset capability is nice but wearing a plug in my ear all the time is my cup of tea.  The battery in my Motorola died on my twice and the third battery for this phone works best, mainly because I bought it from a third party and not the carrier.  I know now what to do when the battery runs out again.  Buttons or keypads aren’t that big to me, even when looking at the Pre, because I’ll be entering text on the phone regardless and can pick up any method to do so fairly quickly.

I think I covered all the bases on the smartphone requirements.  If I missed anything, let me know.  I still need to find out if my carrier has some kind of month to month plan after my contract is up.  If not, I may get a phone real quick.  I hope not, because I really want to hold out for a Palm Pre.  I could go iPhone, but I’m doing all in my power to stay away from it.   It’s still an Apple so it will still be super locked in.  If I get one of those two or some other phone, I’ll let you know.  Maybe by typing up the post from the new smartphone.

Thunderbird and Lightning Helps Bring the GTD Storm to the Office


Needless to say, the holidays brought me some changes this year on both the personal and professional side.  A couple of years ago I implemented the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology to help account for changes in my life and to influence the direction it was going.  I recently had the opportunity to start a fresh GTD setup at the office.  Here are the steps:
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Subversion Install Swankiness Part 2

Nothing Like A Fresh Subversion Import
Nothing Like A Fresh Subversion Import

Welcome back to part 2 of my Subversion install series.  What we are going to go over is developing the right structure for the repository, importing a website, updating a website, then testing and deploying the website using some of Subversion’s command sets.  There were some road blocks along the way and I will talk about that as well as some other thoughts about the process.  After that I’ll talk about what’s next but first let’s setup and deploy some code.

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